Projects | Leerlingen De Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-Up Museum / Theaterhavo/vwo’s students creat... 31,2 MB

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Op initiatief van de museumvereniging, in het kader van de Museumweek, kwam in 2019 een samenwerking tot stand tussen de Theaterhavo en Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Voor Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen was het een mooie pilot in het kader van Boijmans in de klas. Derdejaars vormgeefleerlingen maakten een tentoonstelling, Compressed Emotions, in de Theaterschool met twintig Boijmans collectiestukken, welke opende op maandag 8 april 2019.

Images can be used by the press free of charge with mentions of the photographer and the name of the museum or the depot. For more information:

As an initiative by the committee, in the context of the Museumweek, a collaboration manifested between the school Theaterhavo and Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. For Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, this was a great pilot for the project of Boijmans in the Classroom. Year three of the design students made an exhibition, Compressed Emotions, at the Theatreschool with twenty art works from the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen collection. This opened on 8 April 2019.

  • 14 afbeeldingen
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  • 1 videobestand
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Opening Pop-Up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Opening Pop-Up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Opening Pop-Up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Opening Pop-Up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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  • 2,07 MB
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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  • 1,86 MB
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
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  • 1,7 MB
Theaterhavo/vwo maken Pop-up Museum. Foto: Fred Ernst
Boijmans in de klas Compressed Emotions
  • video
Boijmans in de klas Compressed Emotions
PB van Theater Havo/Vwo samenwerking Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
  • pdf
PB van Theater Havo/Vwo samenwerking Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

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