‘Bunkhouse’ in Boijmans collectie 119 MB

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  • 5 afbeeldingen
  • 1 videobestand
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Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Ernst Moritz
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  • 12,1 MB
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Ernst Moritz
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Stacii Samidin
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  • 40,7 MB
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Stacii Samidin
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Stacii Samidin
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  • 23 MB
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Stacii Samidin
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), detail, Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Ernst Moritz
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  • 15,4 MB
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), detail, Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Ernst Moritz
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Stacii Samidin
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  • 27,6 MB
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy drive thru museum, 2020, foto: Stacii Samidin
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy Drive Thru Museum, 2020, video: Tim & Dre
  • video
Paul McCarthy, 'Bunkhouse' (1996), Boijmans Ahoy Drive Thru Museum, 2020, video: Tim & Dre

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