Off limits for adults! In the two weekends of the autumn half-term holidays, kids get the chance to buy a work of art by a famous artist for 35 euros – with no help from over eighteens. The latest edition of Art4kids features more than a thousand original and limited-edition artworks by twenty-six artists, including Tal R, Gelatin, Maria Roosen en Klaas Kloosterboer.
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen’s successful biennial selling exhibition, Art4Kids, is taking place for the sixth time this autumn, and this time for two weeks instead of one. Earlier editions attracted more than a thousand children. From Saturday 13 to Sunday 28 October, visitors aged five to eighteen can acquire a real work of art in the museum for a modest sum of money. The screen prints, sculptures, drawings and other artworks have been made specially for the exhibition by twenty-six contemporary artists. The artists’ names are not displayed, so the children have to base their choice on their own taste, and adults are not allowed in.
‘Art4Kids exposes children to art at a young age. They have the opportunity to turn their preferences into purchases and maybe they’ll remain loyal to their chosen artists as future collectors.’
The museum has invited twenty-six artists to make artworks specially for Art4Kids. Children can choose from drawings, paintings and sculptures. The participating artists in the 2018 edition are: Gam Bodenhausen, Mynke Buskens, Oscar Camilos De Las Flores, Kari Cholnoky, Gelatin, Babs Haenen, Caren van Herwaarden, Seet van Hout, Klaas Kloosterboer, Maartje Korstanje, Alexandre Leger, Mark Manders, Bridget Mullen, Serge Onnen, Jet van Oosten, Helma Pantus, Tal R, Marisa Rappard, Klaas Rommelaere, Maria Roosen, Jacobien de Rooij, Ben Sleeuwenhoek, Celina Teague, Wouter Klein Velderman, Sigrid van Woudenberg, and Ronald Zuurmond.
Art4Kids 2018 has been made possible by Stichting Saphir, the Van der Mandele Foundation, the Pieter de Joode Foundation, STOER and several individual and corporate donors.
- Vincent Cardinaal
- Persvoorlichter//Press Officer
- +31657263104
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